Saturday, September 29, 2007


Recess is super over now and i stand looking at 4 quizzes and one full lab report. God u must help me this time. i have so much inertia to work right now. This past weeks has been quite rough but i guess it's over now. I was talking to a friend just now and was really encourage that when God saved us he know what he was getting into. God is in the business of changing me into a better person. I've decided to let things go and move on. though still a bit sore from things but i think i'll be fine. God is good. think it's time for me to focus and do well and excell.

Friday, September 21, 2007


I don't know whether u guys will believe me but i actually went to india. kinda of missed army today so i was thinking of india where i had all the fun. It was a fantastic trip with my best buddies Isaac and KH. It's more than a year ago already. Time really flies i tell. They practically have wings. Actually i can't wait to wait to go for a trip like that next year, really need to save up. hmmm. ok i am craz about pictures so here they are
some kids that wanted our bottles. They are really cute and they love criket.

Desert sunset. Cool huh

What's going to india without vising the famous Taj.

Public apology

Hi everyone,

just want to make an apology for the two articles "Somebody's someone" and "miss someone". Think it has been quite a rumour and caused quite alot of commotion. Just want to apologise for the irresponsible act of not considering the consequence. i want to apologise for being childish and myopic, not considering about the aftermath of the two articles. I just want to make clear that the articles was not meant to demean or to embarassed, so whoever is involved just want to say sorry. Most importantly please do not let any of this these jeapordize any friendships. Let not any relationships be broken beacuse of this. I apologize causing all this strife again.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


i haven been thinking alot lately and many things came through my mind.

i was thinking that life is all about working hard and preparing yourselves. Opportunities come and go. So the only way is to prepare and when it comes u will have no regrets. i need to work harder.

Next i have been thinking about friendships. Your close friend is only close when it's both ways. I decided that i should just be comfortable with how i relate to others but not expect anything in return. That way i think everything extra becomes a blessing right?

hmmm i reliase that there are many people reading my blog i'm really open to comments so u guys can email me or post a comment u would like to voice your views:)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Today i did something really wrong. I accused a friend of things that he never did. I accused him of not treating me as a friend and said really alot of nasty and ungrateful thing. I wonder y i slammed him the way i did. i really took him for granted that everytime i say something that he will forgive me. i wronged him big time. i know it's a wound that will form a scar that will never be forgotten. i'm sorry. Now because of what i said, there will be many consequences that i am going to have to bear. many things that i will have to give up. Many times the closer i get to a friend, the more i do stupid things to them thinking that they have to put up with my lousy attitude.i am glad this friend forgave me. i love and respect him dearly. i know i am still childish and immature in many ways and i'm not proud of it. Spilt milk what can i do? Friend i'm really sorry. Don't think u will be reading this but if u are. i'm sorry. if there is smth u need i will do it for u. just tell me. i'm really really sorry

Monday, September 10, 2007

i feel encouraged.

have u guys ever wondered what u are worth?
i constantly ponder.
is it in terms of....... money........ ppl's opinions....... etc?

i am still in the finding!

Everyone wants to be special

what if u are not?

What if u are?

then what?

i was talking to a friend and this came to my mind.

God has a special way for every one of us, his special way. God knows how i am like and the issues i have. He carefully deals with my every emotion, every need. i know i'm in good hands. i can have rest:)

Thursday, September 6, 2007



Hai i know some of you guys are waithing for the SOT pics but seriously there is like a million pics. I must find a way to do it.

Anyway, i have been super unproductive these few days. I really need to streamline my my to make it more effective.

Just a few things

For those who read my blog because of the videos. Hmm yeah that's me, sometimes i just get into these funny modes of craziness. hahaha. But i'm not like that all the time so don't worry.

For Marwin's friends. Seriously i'm STRAIGHT so please don't let him spoil my good name.

For those whom i don't know reading my blog. I'm really fine if u tag so don't worry.

Plus really sorry not blogging much lately. University is kinda of heavy with work and loads more. Sometimes you just don't know where to start and you waste more time. Hai. ok enough of blogging i need to get back to work:)

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Xin Hong says

Xin Hong says:
God showed me something when I was 15
keith says:
show what?
Xin Hong says:
I was climbing a mountain in malaysia
Xin Hong says:
I lost my glasses
Xin Hong says:
But I told myself I wanted to be first up on that mountain
Xin Hong says:
So I just charge ahead right behind the local guide
Xin Hong says:
Xin Hong says:
Cos God showed me that everyday we live, everything we accomplish, everything we do
Xin Hong says:
We are writing our own story. Our own novel.
Xin Hong says:
That this life, can turn up as one of thousands of God's failures, or one of His few successes
Xin Hong says:
Simply by our actions and decisions
Xin Hong says:
We are writing our own history every single day
Xin Hong says:
And I told myself at the end of my life, I want to look back and know that the novel I have written was one darn good read
Xin Hong says:
And I encourage you to do all you can, burn those bridges and make your novel one darn good read too
Xin Hong says:
There are still many pages in there keith
Xin Hong says:
Just write with care and I'm sure you will have a really nice book by the time you are done
Xin Hong says:
When you think of life like that, it makes you do Crazy things. Crazy but not stupid. Radical, Crazy and audacious things
Xin Hong says:
you just tell yourself, dang, it's between success and failure. Count my cost and just go in for the kill and go for success
Xin Hong says:
And many times, you will get it

Xin Hong says:
But God challenged me that day, "What will people remember you for? Will they remember you for being number 2?" That essentially drove me up the mountain