Friday, June 13, 2008

Many MEssssssss

(this is what i do)

Went back for reservice the past two weeks. It's actually quite a wonderful feeling. Woke up the second to a peaceful moring in camp. It was so quiet not like my house in the moring where u have the roaring TV. Camp was really quiet and peaceful. :):):):) i always dreamed about having a house like that. I love camp and the disciplies and stuff. I made a lot of friends and it's great. But i really liked the quiet part and i realised also how much i changed as a person. This may sound terribly self centered, vain or what u call it but i actually really like myself. i don't know how to explain it but i really like myself. i discovered stuff i liked about myself. I realised that i didn't care how people looked at me. And it's actually ok to be not popular and be normal. i always wanted to be center of the conversation and allow people to be amazed at me but i realised that i'm happy people not noticing me or just being alone. HEEEE. Anyway frieds if u are reading this. is it ok if u guys take me off your link on your blog. I want to be able to write freely and share my life with u guys. Now that my blog is getting less people. i actually feel that i can share more of my life with u guys:)

This is so amazing. I was just randomly searching online picutures and i decided to type in my own name. And guess what? There is another person who has the exactly same name as me and he is also from amour. This is so cool. This is the link but he is a missing person though.

Keith Low the academic

Keith Low the musician (double bassist)

Dr Bruce Keith low.

So weird. HAHAHA. Maybe u guys can search your name today heee.

Below are pics that i like. Super random but super nice. I want to take pics like that. SOMEONE please teach me!!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008



Being happy isn't easy
But it isn't that hard either
all u got to do is just ignore what u cannot control
Do what u can control to the best
Love what u like
Then there u have it,
A big smiley face
